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We can help you with all the issues associated with creating a website and getting the most out of it, and have been advising businesses in Orkney, Shetland and the north of Scotland since 2001.

Issues when setting up a website include:

  • domain name
  • hosting
  • design
  • content of site
  • maintenance
  • search engine promotion

When selling online further issues include:

  • shopping carts
  • checkouts
  • taking payment
  • complying with legislation
  • wider promotion of the site

Related issues include:

  • email address
  • branding
  • order fulfilment

We can advise on all of these issues and help you create a brief for a web developer, or create a cost-effective content-managed site for you that allows you to maintain it simply by logging into the site and making changes directly, with very little training necessary.

The first three examples on the left are all built using the same system, but more complex modular 'portal' systems are possible where this is appropriate.

For larger projects such as or the Orkney Business Directory and Access Guide, the approach we would take would be to create a detailed project plan for your approval, then select a developer with the specific skills to carry it out, and project manage the implementation on your behalf.

If you already have a site we can appraise it for you and suggest improvements that will benefit your business.


Web brief

Link to electronic payments site


E-commerce directive

Distance Selling Regs.

Link to Dr HTML

Link to Joomla



(Click on images for links)

This site- design and build

Phoenix Fringe- design and build

School reunion- design and build

Orkneycommunities- design and project manage



Recent Projects:
2007 Orkney Folk Festival Audience Survey and Market Research
Orkney Photographic website

Last update:
March 07. 2019 09:54:59